Who we are
The "Thought" behind Applied Thought
Applied Thought was founded in 2005.
The founder of Applied Thought has worked as a consultant himself. His experience in the recruitment industry has helped him understand the market and the acute need for a company that would find the right match for any given job.
An important observation that he made was that there was a dearth for recruiters who had exemplary business/technical background. That is when he realized the need for a company with recruitment managers who had a rich technical as well as business background that would help them acquire the right human resources for a given job requirement within a short span of time (and the vice versa-finding the right job that would fit the skill set of a candidate).
That was precisely the unique thought behind Applied Thought: to add value to recruitment by enhancing our technical and business background.
In 2011, Applied Thought changed hands of ownership and became more employee-oriented.
Currently, Applied Thought has the resources and expertise to accommodate recruitment, outsourcing, IT consultation related needs. If you require any of these, feel free to contact us right away to talk to one of our executives.
Our history

Applied Thought was founded in 2005.
Applied Thought changed hands of ownership and became more employee-oriented.
At Applied Thought, we have a set of values that we follow no matter what. Our core values are outlined below.
We always go with the valued words of –MK Gandhi- "A customer is the most important visitor on our premises, he is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so."
We understand the simple fact that without customers, we have no business. We are dedicated to building a strong, healthy relationship with our customers. We make sure we listen to our customers, respond to their queries, make and take suggestions that would help us achieve goals together.
We act with INTEGRITY in all that we do
Beyond the fact that we are professionals that are being paid for what we do, we are all civilized human beings in the first place. Naturally, we understand that we are each personally accountable for our work and behaviour. We meet our commitments as responsible employees and as citizens and treat every customer, colleague and resource with the respect they deserve.
An organization is a group of people after all. There is no resource greater than human resources and we value our people beyond anything else. We do all that we can to help our people develop themselves. We try and build excellent ties with our employees, customers and any other group of people that we are associated with.
We understand that any work anyone does always has a scope for improvement. Perhaps if you check your own work of art a few months later, you will find that you could have done better at a few places – maybe a different brush stroke. The same applies to us. So we focus on continuous improvement of our processes so the quality of the work we churn out only gets better with time. This not results in our clients' satisfaction and delight, but ours as well.